The Fulton Mall is a beautiful commercial strip that the city is trying to revive.
The Fulton Mall has declined in recent decades and is consistently the subject of revitalization efforts.
Fulton Mall is a commercial heavyweight, according to its merchants association.
He said in recent years the association has been trying to improve the image of Fulton Mall.
But recently, the Fulton Mall has drawn attention not for the business it attracts, but for some particularly disturbing crimes.
The Gallery at Fulton Mall in Brooklyn did not see much more activity yesterday morning.
Fulton Mall, at first glance, is open storefronts, street peddlers, flamboyant signs and teen-agers hanging out.
Whatever happens, it seems that Fulton Mall will continue to draw enormous crowds and ring up big sales.
He grew up near the Fulton Mall, walking distance from where he lives now.
Either from here or at a later stop, you are advised (but not by me) to walk the Fulton Mall.