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I gob bed off and smiled as if I'd just heard a joke on the phone.
He gob bed off at the boys in Arabic, and they started up again with another kicking.
It got all gummy and began to gob up on my spoon.
Can we gob on her from up here?
He'd put them in his mouth and chew, then gob the mashed shell into my face.
He sounds like he'd probably gob into it.
He gob bed off some orders in a dull monotone to the guards.
He gob bed off to one of the blokes and said, "Yes, take the bucket."
Stuff came up, but there was nowhere to gob it, so I pulled out the neck of my sweatshirt and used the inside.
We told you, you always gob too much!
They gob bed on us and laughed.
Ac the very least I expected him to gob a wad of tobacco juice down the side of my head.
Hubba-Hubba kept both of us tightly in his arms as he continued to gob off, smiling and nodding like a game show host.
Apart from his obvious mistakes, why didn't he book Barton & Young for chasing him to gob off?
We'd sit around the fire after carrying out yet another rehearsal of the attack, and they'd gob off about their time in Europe or when they'd gone on holiday to the States.
I hooked my little finger into the earpiece and pulled it away from my head, blocking the outlet in case one of the boys started to gob off on the radio.
She gob bed off in Arabic and he immediately did as he was told, sitting down on the sofa against the other wall, away from the desk with all the machinery on it.
He started to gob off in vomit-soaked Arabic to Lotfi, but halted abruptly as a blinding light burst through the haze of sweet-smelling smoke that still filled the air.
That compares with an 11 percent success rate for the men who gob a placebo on their scalps - not a bad rate for the placebo, but possibly a little disappointing for the men using the real Rogaine.
I gob bed out some more blood and covered my mouth and nose once more with the McDonald's bag, but it was getting wet from me dripping into it every five minutes, and wouldn't be good for much longer.