In fact, the 20th was (and still is) became so heavily Democratic that González faced GOP opposition only five times and handily won each time.
Despite GOP opposition, we produced landmark achievements for the middle class in job creation, small business tax cuts, health care, Wall Street reform, veterans' health care, and child nutrition.
The list, kept "secret until Craddick's GOP opposition had gelled," was sealed in an envelope and kept "locked in the desk of a trusted Democratic operative."
During the Kosovo crisis, which Republicans privately called "Clinton's war," GOP opposition to intervention stemmed as much from a desire to beat Clinton as from any principle.
He was re-elected five times, facing substantive GOP opposition only twice.
Obama has done about the best that could have been done, considering the united GOP opposition in Congress.
He organized the GOP opposition to Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society.
As a result, he has had minimal GOP opposition in winning re-election to his seat.
The vehicle used was the Caddo Democratic Association, which supplied campaign funds for any local Democratic nominee facing GOP opposition in a general election.
As head of the House Republican Caucus, Tucker spearheaded GOP opposition to Blanco's legislative initiatives, especially in regard to state spending.