As a result, Pakistan won the prestigious Government Leadership award of GSM Association in 2006.
The GSM Association was formed in 1995.
About three years ago the GSM Association published A5/3 and has been moving this forward, albeit at a frustratingly slow pace.
Its promoter, the GSM Association, estimates that 82% of the global mobile market uses the standard.
GSM Association has split the Video Share service definition into 2 distinct phases.
In that capacity, he also served as an international advocate for the GSM Association, a London-based trade organization for the world's wireless operators.
OTH established a strong presence in the GSM Association (the world's leading wireless industry representative body) only five years after its inception.
The GSM Association lists 17 networks worldwide already using this flavor, including three in Canada.
Also this year, the GSM Association was formed.
The GSM Association broadly outlines the content of such roaming agreements in standardized form for its members.