Zaborovsky, an Orthodox bishop, was born in the Galicia region.
Construction of two of the six buildings for a huge culture campus in the capital city of the Galicia region has been postponed indefinitely.
He is buried near Buchach, in the Galicia region.
The island's identity began forming in the mid-1500's, with the arrival of Spanish colonists, brought mostly from the Galicia region, which has a similar climate.
In Spain, the Galicia region was placed on red alert by authorities in anticipation of the storm.
From the geographical perspective, much of the Austrian partition corresponded to the Galicia region.
On Wednesday, Spain announced it had detected the disease in a 5-year-old animal from the Galicia region.
Rego is a populated town in the Galicia region of Spain.
Some surnames can be identified as from the Galicia region.
Government officials said both cows came from the northwest Galicia region.