He is currently a Special Advisor at the Galleon Group.
The Galleon Group was one of the largest hedge fund management firms in the world, managing over $7 billion, before closing in October 2009.
On October 16, 2009, he was arrested by the FBI on allegations of insider trading, which also caused the Galleon Group to close.
In a letter dated October 21, 2009, Rajaratnam informed his employees and investors that he intended to wind down all the hedge funds of the Galleon Group.
The ruling came a week after three hedge-fund managers were convicted of insider trading involving the Galleon Group.
The team, whose principal owner is Gary Rosenbach, co-founder of the Galleon Group, a manager of hedge funds, will join 12 others in the league, which just completed its 20th season.
A classical case related to insider trading of listed companies involved Raj Rajaratnam and its hedge fund management firm - the Galleon Group.
Rajaratnam intended to make Gupta chairman of "Galleon International," an expansion of the Galleon Group.
He left to run his own hedge fund, Sedna Capital, before joining the Galleon Group.
Mr. Desai, 26, is an analyst at the Galleon Group, a hedge fund in New York.