Shortly afterwards he switched his attentions to the water speed record, at that time dominated by the American Gar Wood.
The hull was of an advanced lightweight construction, which some designers, including Gar Wood, regarded as too light and flexible.
When a full touring band was needed Gar Wood was called in to play the bass guitar.
In fact, Gar Wood was an inventor and a very successful industrialist, but his passion was racing.
He had built 3,300 Gar Woods between 1922 and 1947.
Muncey went to Gar Wood's riverfront mansion, and asked Wood for help.
Jerry, my steward, tells me the vessel is developed from an experimental ship Gar Wood built back in the forties.
Determined to have the last word over his great rival, Gar Wood built another new Miss America.
The cornerstone of the building was laid in 1922 by Gar Wood and the building was completed in 1923.
Moore died in the early 1950s, and Gar Wood, the millionaire inventor of hydraulic construction equipment, bought it.