Garfield Park was initially intended to be used for passive recreation such as strolling and picnicking.
Throughout its history, Garfield Park has successfully responded to the changing demands placed on a highly used urban open space.
A monument to the 1,616 at the original burial site was moved to Garfield Park.
Something people would have remembered if he'd been seen in Garfield Park.
Three memorials are within the grounds of Garfield Park.
The same was the case with the naming of Garfield Park.
In 1902 plans were made to preserve the building and move it to Garfield Park, however the hotel collapsed before work could start on this project.
The next day they went out to Garfield Park, but it did not please her.
"You've all heard about the Seven-year-old boy found in Garfield Park this morning?"
The description seemed to be of an actual murder of a small black child in Garfield Park.