He found 2,000 square feet at the corner of Fifth Avenue and Garfield Place.
Anibal Negron, who lives on Garfield Place, said he did not hear about the plan until someone in the street handed him a flier.
Construction continues on a 16-apartment project on Garfield Place, and on another with 50 units on Carroll Street.
We moved once, from President Street to Garfield Place.
On my block of Garfield Place, kids still enjoy playing outdoors, but for them this means confinement to a five-foot strip of sidewalk.
In 1938, the club moved to 22 Garfield Place, which would come to be known as the Cuvier Press Club.
When Robert C. Apfel and his family moved into 313 Garfield Place last June, they started work on the interior.
Tickets are $25, at Eighth Avenue and Garfield Place.
Or most of the street games Mike Lamanno played growing up on Garfield Place 40 years ago.
Garfield Place was the designated stickball street, John Fischetti said, because "there were no trees in those days."