Gary Reasons, the linebacker, said that the offense "contributed to the effectiveness of the defense.
Gary Reasons, last year's other starter at inside linebacker, was uncomfortable discussing the subject.
"It's business as usual," said Gary Reasons, the inside linebacker.
The late-hit penalty was against Gary Reasons in the second quarter.
Gary Reasons of the Giants touched the ball, but could not control it.
Gary Reasons was hunched over with a damaged shoulder.
"If someone was going to go over the middle against us," said Gary Reasons, another linebacker, "he would pay for it."
If they can get their running game going," said Gary Reasons, the inside linebacker, "everything seems to work.
Last season, Gary Reasons did not sign until the week before the opener and lost his starting job.
Gary Reasons said it had been a good season "even though we have to watch the playoffs on television."