Many Gaza settlers are going to the West Bank, at least as a first stop.
Gaza settlers argue that the territory is part of Jews' biblical birthright.
The vast majority of the nearly 9,000 Gaza settlers oppose the evacuation and have not cooperated with government efforts to relocate them.
But he said the military would be prepared for the possibility that supporters of the Gaza settlers might attack soldiers to disrupt the evacuation.
The Gaza settlers are made up largely of middle-class families with children, and their resistance is expected to be mostly passive.
Of the nearly 9,000 Gaza settlers, perhaps several hundred are still in their homes, according to the army.
As of this month, Gaza settlers may no longer use most of the main north-south road.
And for all their new difficulties, most Gaza settlers say for now that they are not moving.
The community grew into the main commercial and municipal center for Gaza settlers.
Some Gaza settlers objected strongly to the meeting.