It forms one of the four feet of the outline demarcating the Gemini twins.
Castor and Pollux (the Gemini twins)
Polydeuces, an Argonaut, and one of the Gemini twins.
Castor, an Argonaut, and the other of the Gemini twins.
Ganesa, lead well this army of words For Biki and Bithika Banker, the Gemini twins.
Named after one of the Gemini twins in Greek mythology.
Its name derives from the Gemini twins, of Castor and Pollux.
The surprise for me, however, was the reaction of the House of Commons and its Gemini twin, the London media.
The Gemini twins became a household symbol and the Gemini flyover was named after the original studio at that junction.
The village may have been the location of a temple to the Gemini twins, Castor and Pollux.