Such criticism was rejected at the Geneva headquarters of the 51-year-old refugee agency this week.
But their two-page list was mysteriously deleted from the first formal draft of the agenda that circulated at the organization's Geneva headquarters earlier this week.
Of its 2,000 professional employees, roughly 800 work in its Geneva headquarters and 1,200 expatriates work in the field.
For example, after a visit to the Geneva headquarters last year, he said he was appalled by the waste.
In the week since W.T.O. delegates have returned to their Geneva headquarters, many remain shocked by the events in Seattle.
The delegate had the task to collect the member fees and send them to the Geneva headquarters, and he represented his members on the international level.
In 1976, as representative to the Human Rights Commission, I spent a brief time at its bustling Geneva headquarters.
Last month, negotiations at the W.T.O.'s Geneva headquarters once again brought this sad reality into stark relief.
For over 20 years he has been hopping to and fro ... spending most of his time in airplanes or at his Geneva headquarters.