One may think of them as precursors, like the Genoese towers they resemble.
The Genoese also built three coastal watch towers (part of a system of Genoese towers) to protect against pirates.
Although not all of them have a Genoese origin - some are Florentine - they are generally called Genoese towers, without distinction.
Today the Genoese towers represent a considerable heritage.
The Genoese towers are built of stone, 12 to 17 m high for 8 to 10 m of diameter.
On the territory of Rogliano are four Genoese towers:
You can climb the russet-coloured rocks up to the Genoese tower.
Two Genoese towers are in the neighbourhood:
Porto has drama: mountains ring the bay and a Genoese tower stands sentinel over a rocky cove and shingle beach.
The three Genoese towers in the commune were built between 1605 and 1606: