For example, the lack of any reference to genome research is dangerous.
Q. How have the breakthroughs in genome research affected your work?
When human genome research grew to be a cutting-edge topic in the 1980's, many of these companies took up the challenge.
This is just one more disastrous sign for genome research and for million of patients in Europe.
In an improbable corner of China, young scientists are rewriting the book on genome research.
Genset was a pioneer in private human genome research.
If successful, the new venture seems likely to impose adjustments on all the others involved in genome research, and to offer new opportunities.
With a less aggressive venture capital community abroad, other countries have been slower to commercialize genome research.
Biologist Gogarten suggests "the original metaphor of a tree no longer fits the data from recent genome research".
About three thousand inherited abnormalities, ranging from the serious to the mild, have already been identified by scientists and genome research continues to identify more.