They are recommended in the Human Genome Variation Society Nomenclature guidelines as stable genomic reference sequences to report sequence variants in LSDBs and the literature.
Human Mutation is a peer-reviewed medical journal of human genetics published by Wiley-Liss on behalf of the Human Genome Variation Society.
The page has also two specific links for single- or batch submissions of the human variation data using Human Genome Variation Society nomenclature.
In addition this also highlighted its new role as a central repository for data collection efforts in collaboration with the Human Genome Variation Society.
This initiative builds on substantial pilot work and achievements of the Human Genome Variation Society.
He conceptualized and led the Indian Genome Variation Consortium Project to provide the first comprehensive genetic map of the extremely diverse Indian population and identify predictive markers for complex diseases and pharmacogenomics studies.
The standard human sequence variant nomenclature proposed by the Human Genome Variation Society was developed to solve this problem.
SVA is developed and maintained by Dr. Dongliang Ge and Dr. David B. Goldstein at Duke University, Center for Human Genome Variation.