Gentlemen, I'm in a position to announce that starting immediately, I shall move.
I understand they have this trick where they run up your trouser leg-' 'Gentlemen, we should move on.
The Gentleman, who was human enough to mourn his few true friends, wiped a single tear from the corner of his eye and moved on.
Gentlemen, I move we plan things in that direction.
Gentlemen, we will now move to closing arguments.
Gentlemen, Mr. Parkinson has moved that I be invited to resign as chairman of the board.
Gentlemen,' Sephrenia said, 'do you suppose we could move along?
Gentlemen," Stewart addressed his staff, 'we will move our station across to meet these fine fellows.
"Gentlemen," he said, "I move a vote of thanks to Robert Hedrock for the service he has rendered the weapon shops."
Gentlemen, I move to amend-" The prince listened with all his ears.