Milzman, the Georgetown professor, said that 86 percent of pucks that injure fans fly past the goal areas rather than enter the seating on the sides.
After a former Georgetown professor said some faculty members were upset with Thompson's compensation, The New York Times inspected the university's 990 tax forms, which are filed by nonprofit organizations exempt from income tax.
Somehow I don't see any Georgetown profs whispering to Coach Thompson that some of the students strolling around the campus actually take poetry or calculus courses because they feel expanded by them.
This summer program gives them access to Georgetown professors, experts in a given field, and other achievers from around the world.
He's a Georgetown professor and we had worked together before, which made him a perfect choice for this project.
Mr. Robinson, the Georgetown professor, recalled the case of another wealthy candidate, John B. Connally, the former Texas Governor, who tried to win the Republican nomination in 1980 by outspending his opponents.
Today's Columns A Georgetown professor envisions a system in which a pregnant woman wearing three-dimensional glasses could peer at a computer image of the fetus.
Elizabeth had even asked one of her Georgetown professors about the assassini.
Some Georgetown professors were annoyed by the exposure in the news media, particularly because C.S.I.S. scholars were often identified as university faculty.
- The school of Jay-Z studies: A Georgetown professor has been ridiculed for teaching a course on Jay-Z, but modern culture without hip-hop is unimaginable, writes Mychal Denzel Smith.