Relative to the Georgian ground forces, the air force was comparatively underfunded following Georgian independence.
Russian officials disavow such ideas, but Moscow's threats have guaranteed a strong show of American support for Georgian independence.
The Russians retained control of a number of military bases even after Georgian independence.
During the pro-independence movement in Tbilisi in 1989, Devdariani was involved in various demonstrations and activities for the support of Georgian independence.
During the brief period of Georgian independence in 1920, Poland and Georgia had established good relations and signed a short-lived alliance.
His only commitment, it seems, is to establish Georgian independence from the Soviet Union.
Vice versa, the non-Georgian population stayed home when about a month later a referendum was held concerning Georgian independence.
Whilst I support Georgian independence, it is unwise to goad the Russian bear in its own lair.
Prior to Georgian independence, she competed for the Soviet Union, and afterwards represented Georgia in international competition.
He was still abroad, when the short-lived Georgian independence was terminated by the Soviet invasion and the Bolshevik coup in 1921.