Developed in the 1970s, they are meant to resemble an older variety of German Shepherd Dog.
On 3 April 1899, the first German Shepherd Dog as we know the breed today was officially registered.
In 1899 a new formal breed was established by the Society for the German Shepherd Dog.
Can anyone help my four-year-old male German Shepherd Dog?
German Shepherd Dog - occurs at one to six years of age and is usually oval.
Early in the group's history there was constant bickering regarding the desired traits of what would become the German Shepherd Dog.
The society set forward the standards of the breed and were responsible for the creation of the modern German Shepherd Dog.
These three studs were used in later breeding programs; their progeny are thus the ancestors of all modern German Shepherd Dogs.
Due to the small production budget, the "werewolf" was played by a German Shepherd Dog.
The name had been reverted in most countries by 1977 to German Shepherd Dog.