German aid to the Nationalists amounted to approximately £43,000,000 ($215,000,000) in 1939 prices.
Vietnam is supposed to take back all 40,000 by the year 2000 in return for $140 million in German aid.
The German aid is intended largely for rural development, especially to build new water systems.
German aid would therefore prevent a Nationalist defeat with a minimum of commitment.
Franco had also agreed to sign over the output of six mines to help pay for German aid.
German aid to Yugoslavia last year totaled about $550 million, according to official figures.
There was no explicit promise of German economic aid for Poland.
The German aid only gave Bolesław a temporary advantage in the war against his brother.
The official said West German aid could reach a billion marks, or about $637 million.
In fact, the multi-ethnic federation seems to be held together only by German aid and bayonets.