Between 1932 and 1937, this service was responsible for the German cemetery in the Beverenstraat.
We pulled over first of all at a German cemetery, which came as a surprise.
Between 1970 and 1972 all non-Jewish German cemeteries were destroyed.
There is a German cemetery of 116 dead troopers behind the station.
Visitors also stop at the nearby German cemetery where 8,625 men are buried; 4,321 of them-3,847 unknown-rest in a common grave.
A smaller number of graves were moved in from nearby French and German cemeteries.
I was going to tell you, 1 came across an immaculately tended German military cemetery.
A German military cemetery was created nearby in the 1950s.
There are many French and German cemeteries throughout the battlefield.
The bones had been reburied in a German military cemetery.