These boys had come from the continent and were all displaced persons: some of them had been in German concentration and labour Camps.
Firing on the German concentration was limited to some individual commanders using their own initiative.
In May 1943, efforts shifted to disrupt the German concentration of forces for the Battle of Kursk.
By now the mist that had masked the German concentration and initial assault had cleared, and Allied fighter-bombers ranged the battlefield.
They crossed into Belgium on August 6, riding along the Meuse to reconnoiter the strength and direction of the German concentration.
List of internment sites for Polish citizens (German concentration and death camps)
The so-called "freedom" of Communism becomes just as oppressive as the German concentration camp.
This region has one of the highest German concentrations of castles, palaces and fortifications, Lüdinghausen having three by itself.
Sanitätswesen (German concentration and extermination camps)