The operation was successful, the appearance of a German corps on their border coming as a surprise to the Russians.
No less than an entire German corps was diverted to seeking out and the destruction of the two-company task force.
Two German corps and part of a third were in the path of the impending American drive.
What will happen to the 600 members of the East German diplomatic corps is still under discussion between the two Germanys.
But not the elite German general corps there was a distinction.
These corps are very similar to the German corps, but with the addition of bugles and the single tenor drum.
Most will be farther back, although there may be some 'guard formations', perhaps a German corps, well forward.
The greater part of the German corps were with the Free State forces, but a few hundred came down from the north.
In 1917, he and his brother Friedrich Karl joined the German flying corps.
If you're the new united German diplomatic corps, the answer's obvious - send him off to be ambassador to Austria.