Confusion often arises regarding the correct German expansion of the acronym, primarily stemming from the aforementioned language issues.
His later political activity was largely concerned with containing and responding to German expansion.
Three more Luftflotten were added later on as German territorial expansion grew further.
During the initial period of German naval expansion, Britain did not feel particularly threatened.
After leaving the navy, Werner became an author and ardent supporter of German naval expansion.
In the course of the German expansion to the east, Flemish settlers established themselves in the region.
The ideas of eugenics and race were used, in part, as justification for German colonial expansion throughout the world.
German expansion into the region of the Billung March was "natural" and the settlement "true colonisation."
She was deeply distrustful of Germans, and invariably opposed anything that favoured German expansion or interests.
German industrial expansion was forced to cultivate markets elsewhere.