There are also several German political foundations that support sociocultural, education and media projects in Malaysia.
In October, he donated more than 1,000 of his pictures to a German cultural foundation for a museum intended to be a national center for photography.
On 16 February 2011, a fundraising drive was announced to raise the €50,000 needed to create a German foundation.
However, German historical foundations to colonies in the New World have a long history.
A German foundation can either be charitable or serve a private interest.
There is no central register for German foundations.
More than 250 charitable German foundations have existed for more than 500 years; the oldest dates back to 1509.
The only German political foundation that had been allowed to function in Minsk has had to close.
The distinction between 'scientific' and 'political'research is not just a dodge to help the big German foundations avoid embarrassing their patrons.
The manuscript is in Berlin undergoing restoration, a spokesman for a private German foundation said yesterday.