Thousands of French civilians, as well as German military personnel, were killed.
The German military personnel, except the officers, reboarded the first-class car.
During the following months through to 30 July 1944, an additional 34,159 German personnel were lost, 5,748 of them dead and 1,179 missing in action.
All but overrun, the mass surrender of German military personnel began.
I don't want any of the German personnel searching the dock or the ships.
Nor were the 300 there the total German personnel sent to work on the Soviet atomic bomb project.
Everywhere, local police far outnumbered the equivalent German personnel.
By no means were all the German personnel in Normandy reluctant warriors.
Steenbeck's group, at its largest, included from 60 to 100 German and Russian personnel.
Fighting ensued across large areas of the country, and German military personnel started falling into Norwegian hands.