The West German proposal to develop multinational units was also praised by the defense ministers.
Addressing the gulf war, the community ministers endorsed a German proposal to give financial aid to Israel.
German proposals to Russia for a separate peace began shortly afterward and continued through 1915 and 1916.
Under the German proposal, European authority would increase for subjects like foreign policy and defense, as well as immigration.
He said that he was not familiar with the German proposals, but left little doubt about how Washington would react.
"When he got on the phone," recalls Hull, "the President did not even know what the German proposal was."
The conference went badly for Germany, initially with a vote against German proposals 10-3.
Danes were concerned both about the negative economic effects of the German proposals, as well as the political ones.
Perhaps we Austrians are rather sensitive to German proposals in this area.
The German proposal to draw up a European charter of basic rights also belongs in this context.