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Later he befriended East European dissidents and West German radicals hounded by a tabloid press not concerned with the niceties of due process.
For a scathing critique of the spinelessness of German radicals in 1848 see Friedrich Engels' Germany: Revolution and Counterrevolution.
As the war began, a German radical named Ferdinand Cohen-Blind attempted to assassinate Bismarck in Berlin, shooting him five times at close range.
Philip Johann Becker (1809-1886), German radical (see )
Ernst: German radical at the 2nd Hotel New Hampshire.
American racists on the far right are not the only foreigners developing contacts with violent German radicals.
Matthias Vehe known as Glirius (c.1545-1590) was a German Protestant religious radical, who converted to a form of Judaism and anti-trinitarianism, rejecting the New Testament as revelation.
One highlight is a hilarious mock-minstrel song in which Stew lampoons the way he once capitalized on stereotypes about the black American experience to gain some street cred with German radicals.
They were aimed at forcing the French to release his lover, a German radical named Magdalena Kopp, who had been arrested in a Peugeot filled with explosives.
There Grün befriended the anarchist philosopher Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, whose writings had greatly influenced him and whose ideas he helped popularize among German radicals.