The attempt to refashion the German soul encountered resistance, mostly passive.
Out the window go darkness and discipline as the Faustian divisions of the German soul are bared.
Is there not something in the litigious German soul, they ask over their huge one-liter steins, that drives the few to needle the many?
"I'm hesitant to say because I don't think there is an evil character in the German soul," he replied.
But Hitler also believed that music was the art form closest to the German soul.
Far worse 1 the deadness of the German soul.
There is a struggle between the two sides of the German soul.
And between these two poles hovers the German soul, drawn to one, restrained by the other, forever torn.
He saw the German work for the first time once more, "working from the strong rough German soul."
He wanted to use the language of modern art to express the depths of the German soul.