Ultra-nationalism, a German specialty in two world wars, seems a spent force; reunification does not top the average West German's agenda.
The Gasthaus has a wide-ranging menu that features German specialties.
Germany is also stronger than in the past at cross-country skiing, speed skating and biathlon, generally East German specialties.
The price covers a hearty breakfast on the front porch; the menu includes such German specialties as apple pancakes.
They had no place to withdraw, and encirclement had always been a German specialty.
With a chef-owner named Wolfgang Voss, it makes sense to concentrate on the German specialties.
There are two stick-to-the-ribs German specialties on the menu.
This tells you that in a restaurant with a smattering of standard American fare, the real treats are the Hungarian and German specialties.
For inexpensive German specialties, it is hard to do better than Hallo, Berlin.
To say that anti-Semitism is a German specialty is wrong.