His German-born wife had never seen a pro game when they met, while he was still with the Knicks.
He is survived by his German-born wife, Carla Hopkins, the proprietress of the antiques store they ran together for many years.
Today he lives in Drøbak, together with his German-born wife Birgit and their daughter Melissa.
His German-born wife, Waltraud, for whom a Torres riesling is named, handles the winery's considerable German sales.
He lives in Houston with his German-born wife, Wanda, and their 17-month-old daughter, Tanita.
Sedky was survived by his German-born wife, Ursula, and their two children.
The catastrophe emerged from Wiener's German-born wife, Margaret, and their almost gothically weird relationship.
Mr. Abouhalima complained to relatives about religious persecution in Germany, especially after his German-born wife converted to Islam.
My German-born wife has to come here to experience this wall of, just The State.
Sergeant McCord and his German-born wife now visit regularly on the "other side," and friends from there visit them.