In the late 1800s, German-speaking immigrants began moving into southwest Detroit.
The church was built between 1892 and 1894, in order to serve the needs of German-speaking immigrants from Germany and Austria.
During over 100 years of continuous emigration, it is estimated that some 300,000 German-speaking immigrants settled in Brazil.
Furthermore, he instituted open immigration policies through which skilled German-speaking immigrants settled in major cities throughout his domains.
The ever growing number of German-speaking immigrants necessitated a larger church.
Gruetli was founded by German-speaking Swiss immigrants in 1869.
Cope then became first a teacher and then a principal in newly-established schools for German-speaking immigrants in the region.
For the German-speaking immigrants in Utah both wars brought brief periods of discomfort.
It entered the English language in the early part of the 20th century, brought to the United States by German-speaking immigrants.
It continues to lend social assistance to German-speaking immigrants and their descendants.