After the Germanic invasions in the 3rd and 4th century, the whole region was Christianized.
In the early 5th century, the Romans had to flee the Germanic invasions.
Around 275 before Christ, the Germanic invasions destroy a part of the town and the population flees, leaving behind monetary treasures.
The collapse of the Roman empire and the 5th-century Germanic invasions sent the city into a period of decline.
About the middle of the 4th century, likely after yet another Germanic invasion, the complex was destroyed.
Such a course would also expose Gaul to a massive Germanic invasion just when the harvest was due.
Another subject in the literature which has been widely discussed is whether genetics can show signs of Germanic invasions particularly in England.
Gratian's armies were distracted by Germanic invasions across the Rhine.
First Germanic invasions took place in the 5th century by:
They are believed to have been destroyed in 353 in the Germanic invasions.