For almost five centuries, the German city of Frankfurt am Main was a city-state within two major Germanic states:
The various Germanic states in the west all had coinages that imitated existing Roman and Byzantine forms.
In the 6th century, the territory was included in another Germanic state, the Kingdom of the Lombards.
For one, England industrialized earlier (actually, first) than Germany (more precisely: Germanic states).
Colonists from England, Scotland, and the Germanic states came to Frederica to support the endeavor.
The rifle was one of many weapons in the arms race between the Germanic states and France, and with Europe in general.
One was made up almost exclusively of renegade Asian military sects, the other nothing less than the rebirth of the fascist Germanic state.
For centuries this Germanic state had lain outside the main stream of German historical development and culture.
The Lombard state was truly barbarian in custom compared with the earlier Germanic states of Western Europe.
An examination of the cultural life of court Jews in Germanic states.