The group is also said to have ties to a violent youth gang called the Ghost Shadows.
With more than 40 fellow Ghost Shadows, he says he offers protection to the store owners along the street, in exchange for money.
The police were surprised to discover that the victims were not members of the Ghost Shadows, as the gunmen believed.
I did so with a gang the Ghost Shadows.
The gang he belonged to is named Ghost Shadows.
I knew the Ghost Shadows' plan wreak havoc, get revenge for ancestors who had been murdered but never buried.
The Ghost Shadows street gang has been found to have engaged in such activities as drug trafficking, extortion and robbery.
Nicky Louie was the founder of the Ghost Shadows street gang.
The Ghost Shadows were to sell some heroin from Mexico to the six men for $98,000.
Both were said to be members of the Chinese gang known as the Ghost Shadows.