No roads approach Glacier Peak, and one must hike many miles through extremely rough terrain to reach its base.
Glacier Peak last erupted about 200-300 years ago and has erupted about six times in the past 4,000 years.
Glacier Peak erupted in the 17th or 18th century.
The swim team practices in Mukilteo, since a pool was not built at Glacier Peak.
Glacier Peak is one of the most active of Washington's volcanoes.
When foreign explorers reached the region, they learned basic information about surrounding landforms, but did not initially understand that Glacier Peak was a volcano.
Since these events, Glacier Peak has produced several lahars.
At the time of the study, only one seismometer was installed on Glacier Peak that had not "worked in two years".
We're going up to the Methow River into the country on the back side of Glacier Peak.
He had a heart attack while climbing Glacier Peak and died on August 13, 1968.