The Glen Lake is reached by a short hike of 4 km in the unique natural landscape.
On the western side of the Glen Lake there is the beautiful mountain Baltere.
Glen Lake is known for its fine trout stocks with a record of over 9 kg.
In 1936, the average stay by a patient at Glen Lake was 538 days.
Sun therapy, called heliotherapy, was the other essential element of early treatment at Glen Lake.
After this point, the drive ascends a steep hill to an overlook of Glen Lake.
There is one flood control dam on the river, just past its source on Glen Lake.
Glen Lake is the only place that has remained a constant in our family during four decades of a typical itinerant American life.
The two bodies, collectively referred to as Glen Lake, are at the same level and hydrologically similar.
The many trails, roads, and elevations in the area make Glen Lake a popular destination for running training.