Gadgets that have been covered range from mobile phones and headphones to Global Positioning System devices to video games.
Frequent travelers, especially those going to cities that are unfamiliar to them, find portable Global Positioning System devices helpful.
This was resolved by retrofitting bombs with Global Positioning System satellite guidance devices that are immune to bad weather.
High-resolution satellite photographs and Global Positioning System devices are capturing minute movements along fault lines.
Each yacht in the race carries a Global Positioning System device, which constantly monitors its latitude and longitude.
These systems usually rely on two-way Global Positioning System devices.
One possibility is cheap Global Positioning System devices similar to those installed in some automobiles to provide computerized maps and directions.
Global Positioning System devices have become commonplace with hikers and on-board automotive computers.
Naturally, a Global Positioning System device in your car can pinpoint your location whether or not you know where you are.
The latest Global Positioning System hand-held devices propose to make finding your way home effortless.