The 52-year-old Mr. Swaggart is an Assemblies of God minister and the president of a ministry with an estimated 1986 income of $142 million.
At his hearing, there were several supporters of Mr. Courtney, 48, the son of a retired Assemblies of God minister.
In 1955, Wyatt was ordained as a Church of God (Anderson, Indiana) minister.
When its pastor retired in 2000, Mr. Keyes became the church's third Assemblies of God minister and perhaps its most unusual tenant.
The Rev. Phillip Neil, a Church of God minister, performed the ceremony.
In 2008, there were a total of 34,178 Assemblies of God ministers (excluding local church credentials).
His father was an Assemblies of God minister who pastored several churches in Washington state.
The son of an Assemblies of God minister and educator, Mr. Ashcroft has woven his private faith into his public life.
She and Mr. Bakker, an Assemblies of God minister, worked as traveling evangelists in the early years of their marriage.
He was baptized by Radio Church of God minister, Dean Blackwell, on March 1, 1957.