Cotton wrote 10 books, and established the Golf Foundation, which helped thousands of young boys and girls get started in golf.
Of the more than two million people a year who have been taking up the game, the Golf Foundation says, 37 percent are women.
The Golf Foundation reports that in 10 years, the number of public courses has grown from about 8,000 to more than 10,000.
The Sunshine Through Golf Foundation is the charitable arm of the CDGA, conducting therapeutic golf programs for people with special needs and disabled military veterans.
She had a successful amateur career and was the Golf Foundation Under 13 girls' champion in 1987 and Under 14 champion in 1988.
At the time of his death he was serving as a vice president of both the Golf Foundation and the Association of Golf Writers.
Golf Foundation (junior golf)
Faldo received £4,000 for the Golf Foundation and the PGA European Tour Benevolent Trust.
He has handed over his responsibilities as the figurehead of Cobra (Australia), a club manufacturing company, to his father, together with the Australian Junior Golf Foundation.
We have a number of grass roots projects administered by the Golf Foundation that help bring youngsters into the game.