A Google spokeswoman said the company has an extensive privacy policy to ensure no humans at Google read user e-mail.
A Google spokeswoman acknowledged the company had added a range of underwriters but said she could not comment on the additional changes in the filing.
A Google spokeswoman said the company had received few such requests.
The Google spokeswoman declined to comment.
A Google spokeswoman declined to comment about the company's share offering.
Lynn Fox, a Google spokeswoman, said that no deals Google was contemplating would allow its search results to favor a particular company.
A Google spokeswoman declined to comment on his situation, but confirmed that he was no longer employed there.
"It was not one of our most popular products," said Sunny Gettinger, a Google spokeswoman.
A Google spokeswoman was unavailable for comment on Tuesday.
Eileen Rodriguez, a Google spokeswoman, hardly quelled the speculation by explaining that the whole thing was really a learning opportunity for the company.