The statistics show that the United States continues to lead the world in snooping on Google users.
Hostage beheadings are available to any Google user.
The company announced plans today to add a service that will allow Google users to recommend web pages to friends and contacts.
Eventually it will allow Google users to mark Web pages they like and associate each page with certain topics.
This provides a better experience for Google users who may not have known that content existed.
This public network is used to distribute content to Google users as well as to crawl the internet to build its search indexes.
A crucial test will be getting loyal Google users to take the step to venture into the unknown and sign up for Google+.
In the process, the privacy of Google users was overlooked and ultimately compromised.
What motivation does a seasoned Google user have to switch to Live Search?
"They're not going to get the hard-core Google users, and they know that."