Crawford formed the Gospel Mission, and eight (of fourteen) Southern Baptist missionaries joined him.
As a result, on January 23, 1892, Rev. Senft opened a Gospel Mission on 17th Street at Union and 11th Avenues.
These two men mobilized a group of ministers and churches under a provincial charter titled Full Gospel Mission.
The many City and Gospel Missions around the world are testimony to his work.
Eventually the disagreements led to the formation of Gospel Missions and the American Baptist Association (1924), as well as many unaffiliated independent churches.
Nelson was also appointed as a bishop for the Gospel Mission and several other congregations in 1940.
The Gospel Mission to Uganda, which developed at this time, still feels a close kinship to their Canadian friends from Glad Tidings in Vancouver.
It began being used as a mission in 1930, and was named the Spanish Gospel Mission.
Crawford brought along most of the North China Southern Baptist missionaries in starting his own mission named Gospel Mission.
The Gospel Mission of India founded the college for ensuring adequate spiritual formation for priests.