The library was beautiful, high-roofed, with soaring Gothic columns that joined in ogives in the multichambered roof.
Within the church, a slate-gray light filtered dimly through the forest of 60-foot-high Gothic columns in the nave.
In addition, the home still incorporates Gothic columns, pitched gables, and a cast iron roof cresting with a trefoil design.
The north side has a porch with elongated Gothic columns topped by foliate capitals.
In 2009, construction on the interior of the chapter house began with Gothic columns rising to their capitals.
Six Gothic columns support a panelled vault covering the main part of the courtroom.
The southern transept is characterised by Gothic columns integrated within the Romanesque decoration.
The monastic complex included early Gothic columns, red-on-green frescoes, and three towers for protection.
On either side the roof is supported by a line of tall Gothic columns, which are joined together by high Gothic arches.
So Gray had led the others into the neighboring chapel, to where a massive marble sepulcher rested on twisted Gothic columns.