The rafter tails are exposed and curved, another Gothic touch.
In a Gothic touch, the church bell tolled three times.
At best, they offer a ghost story with Gothic touches (a woman steps on the temple of a reclining man).
This distinctive building, with its Gothic touches, was succeeded later by the present Randwick Town Hall, which was built in 1886.
Schubert's Gothic touches become as powerful as those of Berlioz, and more insidious.
The pilot's eyes have been picked out by black crows, thus providing some of the Gothic touches to the snowy setting.
You shall trace these Gothic touches at school, at country fairs, at the hustings, and in parliament.
The Gothic touches appealed to him, as did the tall, narrow windows and the scattering of terrace gardens.
However, some parts of the palace are Italianate in style with an interesting blend of Renaissance and Gothic touch.
The site is commanding: 26 buildings - many extravagantly ornamented with battlements, turrets and numerous Gothic touches - spread over seven city blocks.