Gov. Mark Warner of Virginia issued a statement saying the accident would be investigated thoroughly.
The additional revenue would be used to close gaps that Gov. Mark Warner predicts will recur for years to come.
Gov. Mark Warner is not on the Nov. 8 ballot in Virginia, but sometimes it can be hard to tell.
The findings prompted Gov. Mark Warner to order a review of the lab's handling of testing in 150 other cases as well.
A spokesman for Gov. Mark Warner of Virginia said the woman was shot with her husband standing nearby as they put packages in their car.
But Gov. Mark Warner, a Democrat, still projects that spending growth will outpace revenues by more than $600 million a year for years.
Gov. Mark Warner said at the news conference that the number of deaths in Virginia attributed to the storm had risen by 3 to 17.
Gov. Mark Warner, jacket off and microphone on, was pacing the front of the conference room, preaching his gospel of tax reform, again.
He lobbied for additional support from Gov. Mark Warner and a handful of his predecessors.
Gov. Mark Warner had cited the threat as a central argument for his plan to overhaul the state's tax system, which included raising taxes.