The government disbanded after leaders were moved to another jurisdiction.
The Confederate government disbanded shortly after the end of the war in 1865.
Therefore the government disbanded the organization in 1955 and called on people to instead join the movement for peace parisans.
The provisional government disbanded with many of the coup members fleeing to other countries.
The government disbanded all its forces greater than the size of a battalion and disengaged from the conflict.
At the end of the war the British Government saw no further need for the force and disbanded it on 8 October 1945.
(Sadly, the commission will not report again because the government has disbanded it.)
The government had just disbanded its professional army, and the resulting civil unrest threatened the security of Lothrop's team.
The government disbanded Becta, the body responsible for promoting technology in schools, almost as soon as it came to power.
The new Government must disband the Clans, and seize control of their assets.