Last week, government watchdogs tried to figure out exactly what was in it.
The implications of the case raise serious concern for government watchdogs.
Nonetheless, government watchdogs see some potential for the technology to bring questionable political behavior to light.
The move also raised concerns among government watchdogs because the funds are not subject to regulation.
On a recent assessment by a government watchdog, the service was found to be performing well, getting a three star rating out of four.
For directors of international programs, it means a daunting new role as government watchdogs.
Last year, Congress spent roughly $16 billion on earmarks, according to government watchdogs.
The bonuses four years ago prompted complaints from government watchdogs.
All the good government watchdogs cannot equal the impact of a heavy voter turnout.
Government watchdogs, who were among the two dozen or so onlookers, appeared encouraged.