At issue is a proposed regulation requiring the Money Store to hold back greater reserves than it already does when it sells portions of the Government-guaranteed loans.
The result was that Government-guaranteed loans rose from 40 percent in 1982 to 85 percent in 1987, adding $44 billion, or 25 percent, to the public foreign debt obligations of the region.
At the Nowa Huta steel mill in Cracow, the country's biggest state-run concern, they are pressing for a Government-guaranteed loan to rebuild foundries.
Government-guaranteed loans for countries buying American agricultural products are not new; nor is allowing the Soviet Union to use this financing mechanism when it buys American corn and wheat.
The Saudis are reported to have made more than $6 billion in grants and Government-guaranteed loans to friendly governments to offset the cost of the economic effects of the crisis.
But even borrowers contemplating careers in the executive stratosphere would find the terms more attractive than those of the Government-guaranteed loans now available through banks.
The United Bank of Michigan, a tiny community bank in Grand Rapids, issued the Government-guaranteed loan.
The Treasury Department managed the Government-guaranteed loans that saved Chrysler from bankruptcy in 1980.
Instead, students will have to go to banks for Government-guaranteed loans - at an estimated cost of $4 billion to the Government and $2 billion to students over the next five years.
Instead they make money by taking students incapable of doing the required work, keeping them long enough to collect a share of government tuition payments and leaving the most naive ones responsible for paying back large Government-guaranteed loans.